About Me

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I am a 33-year-old housewife who fancies herself amortal. My three children range in age from six to thirteen years and factor greatly in my Peter Pan philosophy. Eternally fascinated by history, my greatest dream is to time travel through a device that doubles as a modern restroom—since my greatest fear is being forced to use primitive facilities. I worked for two years as a technical writer for a marketing research firm. In my spare time I read, act, volunteer with teenagers, and spend an inordinate amount of time trying to make my family laugh.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Spring in full swing...and other things

So it's been a little over three months since I've posted, but that's okay since no one is following my blog...yet. Truth is, it's been a little crazy around here. I started working on a novel in January and that's what I've been spending every spare second on. My poor family is living in squalor because of my preoccupation, but there's hope! Now that I'm shopping it around there may be a little extra time for chit-chat and I guess a little housework too.

Have you looked out the window lately? It's full spring! If it weren't for endless allergies this would be my favorite time of year.

There's a drainage ditch that runs behind my house that we (my family and I) lovingly refer to as "the creek". This is the only time of year you can find something other than discarded bikes and trash floating at the bottom. Right now it's filled with tall leafy grasses (okay--they're probably weeds, but this is an uplifting post) and those little pink buttercup looking flowers. At the bottom, once you look past the rusting bike wheel, you see schools of tadpoles darting. My favorite are the turtles that love to bask in the warm morning sun. They climb up onto large limestone rocks that poke out of the water or a long discarded wooden beam and stretch their necks and limbs as far as they can to soak up the best light of the day.

I'm thinking about taking a hint from the turtles...basking sounds nice, with sunscreen of course. Who needs clean dishes anyway?

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