About Me

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I am a 33-year-old housewife who fancies herself amortal. My three children range in age from six to thirteen years and factor greatly in my Peter Pan philosophy. Eternally fascinated by history, my greatest dream is to time travel through a device that doubles as a modern restroom—since my greatest fear is being forced to use primitive facilities. I worked for two years as a technical writer for a marketing research firm. In my spare time I read, act, volunteer with teenagers, and spend an inordinate amount of time trying to make my family laugh.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Last Day of School

This is what my children looked like nine months ago, perfectly scrubbed and coiffed, new clothes and all. They look happy even though it was the first day of school.

I should've taken a pic of them this morning before I drove them to their last day of the 2008-2009 school year. Equally as happy, not quite as scrubbed and coiffed. I think my oldest was wearing a shirt that was missing a button or two. That's what living in the trenches of having three school-aged children will do to you. After 170-some-odd days of packing 3 lunches (510 in all), surviving hours of homework a day (some of which seemed designed to be homework for parents), signing my name countless times, lamenting the bad grades, cheering the excellent, two science projects, social studies and language arts projects it comes to an end today.

There will be awards ceremonies for the children, as there should be...they worked hard. But we, as parents do it all for the love of our kids...so that they can learn better, do better...be better. I for one am ready for the break. But I know in less than three months time, my kiddos will stand just as scrubbed and coiffed as in this pic, ready for a new year full of work and opportunity.

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